Panchakarma Therapy
This is a treatment for certain types of paralysis, headaches, mental disorders etc., in which herbal juices, and medicated oils are administered through the nostrils for a period of seven to 14 days. Nasya not only helps in removing toxins from the head, neck, brain, eyes, ear, nose and throat region, but it also helps in snehan (unction), shaman (pacifying the toxins without removing them), bhringan, tarpan (nourishment) and gives immunity to these parts. The procedure of nasaya helps in the elimination of spasm in the nose. It also dilates the constricted bronchial tubes and bronchioles, thereby helping in the treatment of dyspnoea and asthma.
This gentle eye treatment is soothing, relaxing, and particularly beneficial for anyone suffering from the effects of computers or pollution or whose eyes feel strained. In our busy modern lives, full of visual stimuli, our eyes are often strained and tired, adversely affecting our vision and brain activity. Netra Tarpana nourishes the eyes and relaxes the eyes and surrounding tissues, removing impurities from the looks. It is used for eye problems – dryness, irritation, burning, eyestrain. It removes ama and clears the eyes. The eyes are a pitta organ, the secondary seat of the pitta, and should never get hot. Netra Tarpana cools not only the eyes but also the brain.